JJ News

StoreDot has reached its planned 100in4 milestone

StoreDot, the pioneer and world leader in extreme fast charging battery technology for electric vehicles, has reached its ‘100in4’ milestone ahead of schedule in early prototype tests by implementing a suite of cell enhancements that enable extreme fast charging (XFC) with available infrastructure capabilities.

StoreDot’s 100in4 XFC prototype cells show a 10% improvement in energy density compared to its 100in5 generation.

The silicon-based 100in4 cells were tested using low applied pressure while maintaining StoreDot’s cell attributes of minimal volumetric expansion. They demonstrated 1100 XFC cycles with high energy density, and projected energy density of 340Wh/kg in an EV form factor.

The 100in4 technology is in the process of scale up from 3Ah cell to 140Ah, targeting mass production readiness in 2026.

StoreDot remains on track with production-readiness of XFC cells that can deliver 100 miles charged in 5 minutes this year, 100 miles charged in 4 minutes in 2026 and 100 miles charged in 3 minutes by 2028

Read more on the link: https://www.store-dot.com/press/storedot-on-schedule-for-its-100inx-product-roadmap-capable-of-adding-100-miles-of-range-in-just-4-minutes
2024-02-16 15:35 portfolio update