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Aitomatic is featured in the recent Forbes Article on Adopting Design Thinking

In recent years, more and more technology teams have opted to leverage design-thinking principles when building new software and tools. With a heavy emphasis on empathy and creativity, the multistep design-thinking process places the spotlight on end users and seeks, through an ongoing process, to continuously meet their real, and changing, needs.

Proponents of design thinking say the philosophy’s user-centered, iterative approach leads to products that are more innovative and user-friendly, which in turn leads to enhanced customer loyalty and competitiveness. Inside, 20 industry experts from Forbes Technology Council share procedural and philosophical tips to help tech leaders who are interested in incorporating design thinking get started.

AITOMATIC, Inc. CEO & co-founder Dr. Christopher Cuong T. Nguyen is among the list.

Read the article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/10/31/adopting-design-thinking-20-expert-tips-to-get-started/?sh=3e7ce81739e5
2023-11-12 15:28 portfolio update