JJ News

amma pregnancy tracker announced their partnership with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

“We are excited about this partnership, which allows us to bring quality reproductive health information to the amma app’s millions of users,” said Florence Bauer , UNFPA’s Regional Director for EasternEurope and CentralAsia. “The materials are based on current scientific and medical research and provide clear answers to frequent questions that women and their families have about pregnancy and related reproductive health issues.”

As part of the partnership, they have worked together to develop content on topics such as:

🤰 Family planning.
🤰 Women's health before, during and after pregnancy.
🤰 Impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy and breastfeeding.
🤰 Gender equality issues.

“The partnership with UNFPA highlights the benefits that our mobile service provides to the world. We have been working together to create content using the UNFPA’s latest research and expertise. This enables UNFPA to share its knowledge and add value to our content," said amma's CEO Eugene Zhiharev.

"Up to now our co-created content has reached more than 5.1 million reads around the world”, added amma's Chief Content Officer Olga Zamyatina.

This partnership is an exciting next step in the journey of supporting communities of pregnant women and their families.
2023-02-27 14:32 portfolio update