JJ News

Moodbit joins NVIDIA Inception Program

Collaboration with NVIDIA Inception opens doors to unparalleled resources, including access to NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute and joining a network of startups that are driving innovation and change in their industries. This strategic partnership accelerates the development of Moodbits next-gen AI-driven solutions, propelling efficiency and innovation across diverse sectors.
To read more – follow the link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/moodbit-joins-nvidia-inception-program-moodbit-awyoe%3FtrackingId=n%252FdCuRd9dbS14uaojLvDkw%253D%253D/?trackingId=n%2FdCuRd9dbS14uaojLvDkw%3D%3D
2023-12-07 19:59